You CAN Change the World
Reflection is a magical portal to see the past so that you can improve your future.
Original blog post written & published by Brianna Hosack, May 31, 2022, on the @calminspiredmama blog. This post is a NEW CONTINUATION of that post.
You CAN Change the World
& Live the Life of Your Dreams - Part TWO

First you decided, then you planned, now you need to BELIEVE. Here are some tangible ways you can accomplish that!
Last week was all about the GO. The masculine, doing, accomplishing, productivity, structure, practical stuff...
You made a plan. You picked your priorities.
This week is all about the FLOW parts. The intuition, the healing, the allowing & receiving, the BEING... and the BELIEF, that you really can have what you want out of life - all of it!
Without that structure, especially as spiritual women, we can get into a flow that leaks out all over everything and gets us nowhere FAST.
But once the structure is there, we get to be FREE to flow in a way that feels amazing, our creativity & intuitive power unleashed into INCREDIBLE momentum!
To AMPLIFY this effect, first I recommend SIMPLIFYING!
Remove anything that is not serving a purpose from your life/business.
Clear out SPACE:
In your surroundings (physical decluttering, which also affects mental clutter)
In your schedule (white space on the calendar = freedom!)
In your digital spaces (still visual, and even clutters your time by slowing down your devices)
And in your to-do list (the endless list does NOT have to stay endless! Learn to say NO, adjust expectations, and be wildly honest with yourself about what ACTUALLY matters to you, and what matters to serve the purpose of achieving your big goals & dreams).
This frees up the space for your creativity & your unique genius to flow in a bigger area.
This makes ROOM for the DELUSIONAL level belief to come in.
If clutter in any form, is creating blocks to your flow, then check out my 'SIMPLIFY. Declutter. 12-Month Journey to a Simpler Life' decluttering challenge. It's a rolling enrolment challenge, in which we visit certain areas of your life each month of the year. Whenever you join, you just start there.
Next, make sure that YOU are taken care of!
Without YOU, your purpose, your impact, your dreams... they don't happen.
This goes beyond basic self care, and filling your 'cup'.
This includes personal & spiritual development. Obviously these are ongoing, lifelong pieces, but they should always be addressed regularly.
This includes both mental and physical health and wellness.
Check in with your spiritual healing journey. Clear blocks, limiting beliefs, ancestral & generational wounds, patterns, and even curses (in whatever form you believe that exists, from HABITS & qualities that have been passed down, to actual curses delivered by someone else to an ancestor) whenever they arise, either with your own healing skills or by getting support from another.
Learn about your own gifts & talents & expand them. You lose what you don't use, so not only do you need to DISCOVER them sometimes, but you also need to practice them even when you are fully aware of them.
Re-wild yourself. You are a part of nature, and if you get disconnected for too long, things get out of balance. It's important to spend time outside, connecting with our planet.
You want to change the world? CONNECT WITH IT. Find that lost piece of self.
Make taking care of YOU as a whole-ass person, TOP priority.
When your energy is all squeaky clean, you can start thinking about how you will serve others, what you are bringing to this world, the changes you want to create/facilitate.
This is where you get to go wild. Create, dream, follow your intuition (try my free guided meditation to access your wild feminine intuition if you haven't yet!), get inspired!
The inspiration that comes in at this point will be CLEARER, and EASIER to act on. And with clarity and ease comes MOMENTUM!
Continue to learn the things that you specifically need to support you as you maintain that momentum, in whichever area of your life you need it most.
This is so key, to prevent stagnation.
Allowing, Receiving, and Acceptance - Oh my!
As momentum builds, you will get into a cycle of uplevels, clearing blocks and things that are in your way of receiving the things you want, and expanding to be able to hold more and more, on repeat. It's flowy-er, and because of that, it's also harder to grasp, often.
The MOST important thing you can do at this point is to learn to let go of control!
When you start to truly CO-create with the universe (God, Goddess, Universe, Source, Energy, Spirit, whatever you align with), you DECIDE what you want, you make a plan around what YOU can do to facilitate the arrival of that manifestation, you GIVE your request to the universe, and you complete the steps you needed to take to fulfill your end of the deal.
Then... you wait. (UGHHHHH right? My personal least favourite part haha)
While you wait though, you can fill up on that self care, present time with the fam-jam, learning, and even tune in more often to discover MORE things you want to co-create.
It's a life-long cycle, because we are ever expanding and growing.
The key to co-creation is in the GIVING of your manifestation to the universe to deliver it to you, and in the waiting period. To GIVE something, you have to let it go. When you wait with open arms for it to arrive, you are allowing it to come to fruition.
If the cycle stops, it's time to reflect. Clarify, pivot, challenge yourself, stretch.
Reflection is a magical portal to see the past so that you can improve your future.
This is a total game changer for so many people.
Slowing down to reflect is like rocket fuel so that you take off towards that impact you're trying to create in the world!
Seeing, and taking time to acknowledge and even CELEBRATE the progress you make, as well as getting clear on what has and hasn't been working so that you know what to amplify, and what to cut out, is what PROVES to your RAS (reticular activating system - the monkey mind, ego mind, caveman brain - whatever you prefer to call it, which tries to prove to us that we need to stay small to stay safe) that you are, in fact, DOING THE DANG THING.
That WINS are being tallied, that PROGRESS is being made. And that you haven't DIED because of it.
Finally, after the structure and the flow, it's time to connect the pieces of the puzzle and shine your light on the world, irrevocably changing it in the process.
This goes so much deeper than single clients, or baby steps.
In the Wild Feminine Success Blueprint (masterclass) I shared the secret sauce that ties the GO (structure) and the FLOW together. Access the Masterclass here.
And in the Wild Clarity Unleashed workshop, we will clarify which pieces YOU need to focus on (ie what's been blocking you so far), and how NOT focusing on them has been impacting your life!