When Are You Going to Change the World?
Decide how important it is to you to fulfill your purpose. Decide if you want to have a really passionate, beautiful part of you (OTHER than motherhood, if you're a mom. And remember, it doesn’t make you love your kids any less!) If so, how bad do you want it?
Written by Brianna Hosack - originally Published May 31, 2022 as @thecalminspiredmama
When Are You Going to Change the World?
If you have a big purpose pulling on your heart, the time is NOW to act, to leap, to get things done!
If you think that’s not possible, because you have 5 kids under 4 years old, or you are a work-at-home AND homeschooling Mama, or your great aunt Jo is sick and no one else will help take care of her affairs, and your best friend is about to go into labor and you promised to be there with her, AND the kids all have chicken pox AND LICE…
Or you 'can't' because you haven't freed yourself of your full time job, your team depends on you, or one of a thousand other reasons…
(Well, alright, if the kids have chicken pox AND lice, Mama, I send you hugs & I’m bringing the beach toys to help you dig the hole in the sand to stick your head in until all hell has passed and you are free again.)
But in general, don’t give me those excuses!
We all have the same number of hours in the day.
How we choose to prioritize our time is the difference. And that does NOT mean that if you want to ‘follow your dream’ you have to prioritize it over your kids, or family, or financial safety...
However, most of us could manage our time at least a little more wisely, and we know it.
So what it really comes down to, is that you need to decide.
Decide how important it is to you to fulfill your purpose. Decide if you want to have a really passionate, beautiful part of you (OTHER than motherhood, if you're a mom - And remember, it doesn’t make you love your kids any less!)
If so, how bad do you want it?

Do you want it more than you want to binge-watch the entire next season of the current binge-worthy show?
Do you want it more than you want to spend an extra hour in Canva making things more polished that only a few people will see anyway?
Because here’s the thing:
Just like everything else worth having, your passion-project isn’t going to settle in your lap already completed (plus… that’s not very passionate anyway, is it??). Your pie-in-the-sky dream isn’t going to resolve itself into clear, EASY action steps.
Your big, hairy, scary goal… isn’t just going to happen.
Not unless YOU make it happen. It's time to DECIDE.
Next question…
Do you really want to start on achieving your big purpose when you’re ready to retire? Do you really think you’re going to have the drive and the energy by then? Even if you do, do you think the fires of your passion for it will still be burning quite so hot by the time your kids grow up, or you've made enough money to 'safely & comfortably' live while you explore possibilities?
We all know this season of life is exhausting… but it’s also the season of life when we have the most passion and motivation!
I’m not the first to ask this question and I know I won’t be the last, but…
If not now, when?!
If you're tied up with a job that funds your life, remember that YOUNG, PASSIONATE people are the ones who create the most change in the world.
It doesn't become IMPOSSIBLE to do as you get older, just not EASIER, either.
If you're a mom...
your daughter will never be this impressionable again…
So impress on her how important your purpose (and by extension hers, someday) is!!
Impress on her just how much potential she has and NOT just to be an amazing wife and mother. Not just to be ANYTHING she desires, but to be EVERYTHING she desires to be, all at once, and so much more than she can even imagine yet!!
Show her how to demand and expect the kind of respect from her future partner and children that it takes, in order to be fully supported in achieving her dreams.
If YOU don’t know how to do that, NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY!! Now is the time to learn SO THAT you can teach her!!
Show her that you will be someone who will understand in the future if she has questions, or is struggling.
Your son will never look up to another woman as much as he looks up to you right now.
Teach him what a strong woman looks like, and why it’s a beautiful thing.
Set him the example of a woman standing up to a man, and demanding better and more than previous generations, so he knows to expect it from that future generation of young women we are teaching to be so strong.
Talk to him about your struggles and what would be helpful to support you when it’s hard. Tell him about the complexities of your work, even if he doesn’t fully understand. Help him in this way to be ready to have those conversations with his future partner.
If your husband/partner isn’t supportive, consider that there are two sides to the coin.
Some of it may be to do with stereotypes or unreasonable expectations, how he was raised, etc… and some of it may be because he doesn’t know HOW to support you, or how to approach you to ask.
He may be intimidated by your work ethic and think you don’t need help. He could truly just be that clueless.
Or, you may have ‘trained’ him, unconsciously, to stay out of it, by not sharing in the beginning when you were uncertain, and there may be some of that blocking to undo.
Have you asked him? And I don’t mean in a heated, guilt-tripping way.
Have you asked him what he thinks of what you’re doing? Have you asked him to give you dedicated time to work towards your goals? Have you told him how you are feeling pulled to accomplish this thing? Have you told him about your need for something to give you identity outside of your job or motherhood?
Even if he doesn’t fully understand right away, the more you talk about it, the more he will know.
If you don’t ask, he can’t say YES.
A lot of the time though, all it takes for you to have more time to work on your goals is to take it.
Choose it. Choose it over Netflix, choose it over polishing what’s already done. Let the house get a little messy.
This month, I'm breaking down what it's REALLY going to take, for you to change the world, and make money doing it, WHILE living your dreamy, happy, balanced life. Sign up for blog email updates here, to make sure you don't miss out on the break down.
AND you do NOT want to miss this:

Inside the Wild Feminine Success Blueprint (a masterclass), I'm going to lay out all the pieces you need to know, to create the life you not only DESIRE, but DESERVE.
There's more to it than self care + home + work your ass off.
It's not all about the money, OR all about the impact.
And you CAN get there, faster than you think!