company logo with business name, and blog heading

Welcome to the Heartbeat's Harbor Blog!

October 01, 20244 min read

Welcome to the Heartbeat's Harbor blog!

There have been several 'iterations' of this blog, and my business/brand...

When I started blogging, I was 'The Minimalist Toddler-Mama' (minimalism and motherhood, depression, etc).

An abstract sketch of a mother and three children, with the business name 'Minimalist Toddler Mama'

(I wonder if any of you were with me then?! For anyone who doesn't know, I drew the abstract image - it's me and my three kiddos!)

I then became 'The Calm-Inspired Mama' (the true emotional journey of motherhood, and self fulfillment).

an ocean sunrise, with the business name 'The Calm Inspired Mama' in the foreground, wrapped in a white circle

(Sunrise & sunset are so inspirational, and my peaceful morning alone-time watching sunrises inspired this brand)

I moved into 'From Embers to Impact' (the embers of dreams that lay hidden, fanning the flames, creating impact).

burning embers in the background with the business name 'From Embers to Impact' in the foreground

(The simmering embers of my passion and desire to make an impact in my world inspired this one)

And finally landed on Heartbeat's Harbor (world shakers, change makers, light workers = heartbeats. And I create safe harbors for them to live, love, grow, and learn, while leaning into who they're becoming). This is the one that has stuck. It has lasted, passed the test of time. It's not going anywhere.

Brand logo

(There is too much symbolism to even explain here, in my newest logo. That is me in my Viking Power Paint, though, a physical representation of my wildest, highest self)

Each stage of my journey has its own story, encompassing many smaller stories.

As I re-populate this blog with past posts and new ones alike, you will see me mention their original creation-points.

Writing this, I'm reflecting on how my business' evolution is so similar to the pieces of what I feel are the key elements that women must master to move into the Wild Feminine version of Leadership and Success that I dream of for women worldwide.

My goal and my mission in my life, business, and even boiled all the way down to this blog is to empower women to step into that wild feminine version of themselves and become the leaders this world so desparately needs.

Everything I share is intended to set women free.

To empower and inform them. To encourage and inspire them to rise.

My 'brand' (it's so much more than a brand), Heartbeat's Harbor, is the encompassing safe space for wild feminine success to flourish; for women to explore their uniqueness and power safely and vulnerably, to learn how to use their voice to lead and empower others, and learn how to excavate their deepest longing and highest calling.

I hope to bring that essence here as I bring it elsewhere.

In the past, this blog has been about everything from motherhood to minimalism, from anger to intuition, from feminism to divine feminine and masculine balance, from adhd to leadership, from relationships to spirituality.

I will continue to speak about everything, because everything is connected. WE are all connected. Every experience, every heartache, every joy. It's all learning, and it's all beautiful.

I WILL, however, be focusing the lens a little.

As I repost the blogs from those long-gone versions of myself and my business, I will upgrade them, tweak them, or at least explain what led to them, and how I believe it still applies.

I have learned that the mothers in my audience need the rest, as I did. The entrepreneurs need the lessons of motherhood, seen through the lens of birthing CHANGE. And so on.

THIS iteration of the blog will focus on the challenges faced by women stepping into leadership roles and the transformative power of authenticity, vulnerability, service, community/collaboration/sisterhood, and the importance of simplifying life to make space for self-care and personal growth SO that you can evolve into wildly powerful leadership.

It's ALL important.

I am helping WOMEN, all women, rise into leadership - of themselves, their families, their communities (online OR in person), and the world. And every step along the path is important in the journey of creating the whole, embodied version of who you're becoming.

The multi-faceted journey of and into leadership.

Leadership which creates real change in the world. Authentic leadership. Leadership where the whole-ass, embodied af, YOU is leading the way to changing THE thing you came here to change; however big or small.

I recently released a podcast episode about 'The Five S's of Leadership', and talked about all the same key steps along that path, which I will use as the lenses to look through for everything I will cover in this blog. (Go check it out at the link for an in depth explanation of those steps.)

I hope you drop anchor and stay.

My words and my ability to create connection between people, events, and lessons are my super powers. I'm honoured to support your journey with them.

You are welcome at the table, you are equal with everyone else, you have something amazing to contribute. If you're here, you are a part of the global village of Heartbeat's Harbor. And I hope my words, here and elsewhere, help you to KNOW that, with every fibre of your being.

If you'd like to be notified of blog posts as they are released, sign up here (you will receive a weekly email with updates).

And if you aren't yet a part of the ONLINE village of Heartbeat's Harbor, my beautiful, loving Facebook Community, come join us here (make sure you answer the questions to be admitted).

Sending you ALL my love, from my heartbeat, to yours.

Brianna Hosack (aka 'Coach Bri') "Light Beyond the Meadow" is a certified Shamanic Practitioner, authentic business leadership coach, a single mom of three, and a true connector. Her mission is to help put more women in leadership globally, correcting generational traumas caused by patriarchy and colonialism, and to support spiritual women entrepreneurs to create wild feminine success for themselves, and ripple that out into the world.

Brianna Hosack

Brianna Hosack (aka 'Coach Bri') "Light Beyond the Meadow" is a certified Shamanic Practitioner, authentic business leadership coach, a single mom of three, and a true connector. Her mission is to help put more women in leadership globally, correcting generational traumas caused by patriarchy and colonialism, and to support spiritual women entrepreneurs to create wild feminine success for themselves, and ripple that out into the world.

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