True Leaders Don't Fit In
"You won’t CHANGE the world by being the SAME as everyone else."
Originally posted May 24, 2024 on the Heartbeat's Harbor blog by Brianna Hosack
True Leaders Don't Fit In
Is creating change on your vision board? Is making an impact in there somewhere?
You don’t make a big impact without doing things differently than everyone else. You won’t CHANGE the world by being the SAME as everyone else. You specifically do NOT want to blend in, IF you want to create ripples in the fabric of reality.
So why are you worried about what Jane or Sarah or Steven are doing online?
What does studying someone else's methods do for you?
To change the world, you need to change how you show up. You have to be different than anyone else... truly different.
And we hear it all the time, that you need to have a 'unique edge', but it goes beyond your personality, or your branding, or your message. It goes beyond doing something flashy or catchy or cool.
When you distill the true essence of who you are, and infuse everything you do with it... you will stand out AND be accepted by the people who matter, exactly as you are, without EFFORT.
One thing that was almost impossibly hard for me when I first started out in business, especially online, was figuring out my unique edge. I kept thinking I had it. Things like pickles being my favourite food. Things like being named the productivity queen as an ADHD-er. My personality mixed with a strange combination of focuses in my offers? No? Should I be weirder? More standoffish? Extra- extroverted? Obnoxious? Flirty? WHAT WAS MY THING???
Let me tell you, I could not have guessed it in a million years!

Nope, didn't see that coming, at ALL.
And in case it's not ABUNDANTLY clear... it's not about the viking power paint. The paint is a small way of outwardly expressing that wild, natural soul piece of me that makes me ME.
Figuring it out without a map was like finding a grain of sugar in a desert full of sand, all while thinking you're looking for oranges.
And the most confusing part is that in the end, it is truly an essence, not something that you can put into a few words, or one image.
It took me years to find mine. Years of personal development & learning. Years of painful growth. All to discover there was an easier way. A way through TRUST and the unseen realities, to come HOME. Home to myself.
In the end it was so simple, and yet so beautifully complex. So dynamically strange.
I have finally begun integrating it into EVERY last shadowy corner of my world, eradicating all the false pieces. The pieces that were created from the day I was born, trying to be who I was expected to be, by my family, my religion, my community, by society, without even being aware I was doing it... none of which were ME.
I STILL stood out, but I wasn't fully myself.
I believe that our lifelong journey is one of reclaiming ourselves, BUT now, relatively early in the game, I get to outwardly express it. SO few people ever get there (& I want to change that).
I have relentlessly, painfully, and arduously pursued it until I could express it, capture the essense, and LIVE it, for the larger portion of my life, assuming I live to a ripe old age.
I have shown it to the world every step of the way, too.
Can you imagine if I showed up one day looking like that, with three kids by two dads, on my way to a divorce, a shamanic practitioner with tattoos and an afinity for speaking to beings unseen, after having apparently just left sunday school with all my good girl, picture perfect morals and beliefs?
Riots. Backlash. Temper tantrums.
Not that those are necessarily as bad as they're often portrayed; they serve their purpose.
But I managed to pull it off without any of that mess.
I don't fit in, but I am not an outcast either. Now THAT is a fucking accomplishment.
When you find your TRUE nature, the version of you that would have existed in the WILD... nobody can touch you. They don't even want to.
And now... I'm looking for women like me.
Not... the same as me. But women who know something is still OFF. No matter how much they have TRIED to figure out their unique edge.
Women who are already different. Already leaders, but not making the impact and feeling fulfilled at the levels they desire.
Women who are already embodied ENOUGH that they've seen some success, touched it, tasted it, maybe even been soaking in it awhile.
Women who are ready to do whatever it takes to get to their BIG dreams (without sacrificing kindness, generosity, selflessness, authenticity, honesty, and a genuine love for LIFE and for PEOPLE).
Women who prioritize their success BECAUSE they know the world needs them, and they WILL NOT let it down.
If that's you, come discover your wild feminine self. Jaws will drop. People will cheer. Most people won't understand, but oh, they will FOLLOW.
Human beings can't help but be called towards nature, what's natural, what is wild in the world. They're attracted to it because it's in them too, they just haven't found it yet.
I've curated a FASTER path to get there.
Because I am a leader of leaders, the lighthouse calling the ships to harbor safely, the one YOU want to learn how to find your wild feminine self and embrace her fully, from.
Take the first step, with my FREE 'Access Your Wild Feminine Intuition' Guided meditation (grab it here), unlike ANYTHING else you've ever tried - promise - and together we will embark on the greatest adventure of your life, DEEP within, in the dark, in places you haven't been before.

When you've opened the channel to hear your wild feminine intuition, THEN if you're brave enough, we may end up deep diving into your lineage, your identity, your silence, your instincts... healing, learning, rewilding, integrating, without shame, without limits, without disbelief.
I look forward to meeting your wild feminine side, she and I will get along fiercely.