The Power of Sisterhood: Finding Your Strength in a Sacred Circle
"When we were REALLY young (and poor) [my two older sisters] put me in dumpsters to search for ‘treasure’ "
The Power of Sisterhood: Finding Your Strength in a Sacred Circle
by Brianna Hosack - January 7, 2025
Sisterhood is not something everyone talks about, so I’m not going to assume you know exactly what I mean.
Technically, a sister is a blood relative.
If you’re an only child maybe you’ve never experienced it, but your sister can be your best friend and your worst enemy as a kid.
You might be able to borrow each other’s clothes, tell each other everything, and still fight over who gets to use the bathroom first. They may help you feel safe and loved, or they might cut you down to make themselves feel better, depending on the personality types, family dynamics and circumstantial conditioning.
I have three sisters (and four brothers 🤪) myself, and I love them fiercely, although we all get caught up in life and don’t talk as often as we should or could.
Our house was crazy growing up and while my brothers and I fought HARD, I got into a lot of mischief with the girls, too.
I lived with one of them when I ‘ran away from home’ at 15, I adore their kids, one SAT ON ME AND MADE ME BLEED to pluck my eyebrows for the first time because I was such a ‘tomboy’ and she decided it was time for me to look more girly (lol), and when we were REALLY young (and poor) the two older ones put me in dumpsters to search for ‘treasure’ (double lol).
Hell, even as adults our familial relationships can be fraught with ups and downs. Usually though, your sister is someone you can rely on to ‘have your back’ and to know you better than anyone else.
But as important as your immediate family is, sometimes they aren’t the ones you can rely on, or you grow apart as you grow up, and while you always love your sister… maybe you aren’t as close as you might wish.
Now, sisterhood is a little different. You can ABSOLUTELY have it with your sister(s), but you don’t have to have the same pedigree to have a connection that is deeper than anything you ever imagined, even in your birth/childhood family.
The ‘sisters’ you find when you get out into the world are by choice. And there is a magic inherent in that, which transcends time and space. Your sisters by choice have a similar but not-quite-the-same energy to the ones you had as a child, and the bonds you create with them can be stronger and more able to withstand the ups and downs simply because they are exactly that… a choice.
No matter how far apart you live, no matter how rarely you talk, no matter what’s going on in life, it’s like you were never apart once you come together. In fact, you don’t even have to have met ‘in real life’ to have an unshakeable bond.

If you don’t have this with at least one other woman… it’s time.
THESE sisters will never bring you down. (*note* - This is NOT a reflection on MY sisters in particular… they were actually great!)
As women in a patriarchal society, so many of us learned to be cutthroat and catty, competing, bickering, gossiping, and undercutting each other at every turn.
In highschool I had almost no close female friends because of how pervasive the fake, ‘mean girl' thing was. I refused to hang out with so many girls because of how they showed up in the world.
I didn’t know yet how to coax them out of it, and while I had almost no issues getting along with them face-to-face, or connecting and making friends for myself, I refused to encourage the way they treated OTHER girls, or each other.
I’ve heard similar stories so many times.
But you see, this separation and destruction of the natural sisterhood between women? It was originally by design.
Centuries ago, ‘the patriarchy’ turned women against each other BECAUSE when we band together, we are unstoppable. BECAUSE when we support each other, and communicate with full transparency, love, and honesty, their lies are so obvious and pathetic that their whole structure, system, and facade crumbles.
A NATURALLY evolving relationship with other women would leave you feeling loved, protected, cherished, and upheld.
The division among women has done the opposite, leaving so many of us feeling completely lost, alone, unloved and unlovable, unsafe, untrusting, and unworthy.
This has led to masks that make it pretty darn hard to build real relationships, showing up in a completely fake way so that even when we make a friend, too often we end up destroying that friendship with lies and manipulations, jealousy and distrust.

It is time to take back sisterhood, ladies.
Having a sacred sisterhood circle is the most bolstering, empowering thing to help you stand in your own power and feel amazing about yourself. They will see you and know you better than you can possibly imagine without experiencing it, and they will LOVE every bit of what they see.
And you will do the same right back, without effort (eventually - that distrust was learned, and it’s gotta be unlearned too!)
Finding a supportive community of women changes everything.
If you struggle with self worth, they will hold your amazingness up high until you feel worthy yourself.
If you don’t know how to share your struggles and feel safe, or receive support, they will hold that space until you do, allowing you to dip your toe in, and slowly learn how to trust.
If you feel overwhelmed by the day to day grind, they SEE you fully, and usually have excellent advice for how to get out of it.
If there’s a task you don’t know how to do, one of them is bound to know, and they’ll be happy to help.
I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that having a ‘circle’ of women who are your chosen sisters… is PRICELESS.
It’s the natural way of being with other women, and we CAN all get back there.
Sisterhood is a nearly-lost divine feminine artform. It takes time and intention to coax those instincts back into the light of day, but having a sacred sisterhood circle - a community of healthy, strong, and powerful female friends, who see, hear, and understand you fully, and sometimes know you even better than you know yourself - is worth every ounce of effort it takes to re-learn this skill.
The love and acceptance within a sacred sisterhood circle leads to greater self-love, self-trust and feeling more empowered and fulfilled every day of your life.
You may think you don’t have time to build these friendships, and I would have to argue that you don’t have time NOT to.
Why would you do everything without support, when you could be held and aided by other women with barely a pause, often without having to ask for it?
Why do everything alone and pretend you’re the expert at everything, instead of leaning into your strengths and allowing someone else to support you with theirs?
And that’s just in day to day life.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s sisterhood that will set the world to rights.
When women come together, they thrive, and by thriving they are better equipped to support their partners and their families. When women thrive, so do their families. Then they and their families go out into the world and contribute to the community in a more productive, positive, and impactful way.
Each person they interact with has a more positive experience than they would have had otherwise; thus, the community thrives. And as more communities thrive, the global community grows stronger.
People are more willing to coexist peacefully, and help one another without the need for compensation. They begin to think about the bigger picture, and their choices reflect that, rippling out to impact the environment, crime rates, and more.
The patriarchy tore sisterhood apart, and it indirectly tore apart the global village, the community consciousness. The system started to break down.
The ripple created by women in sacred sisterhood with other women is endless, and it is IMPORTANT, to heal that rift.
If you need help to find YOUR sacred circle, (or if you know mine is where it’s at 😘) and you’re ready to start building lifelong connections and impactful relationships that support YOU, and indirectly your family, your community, and the rest of the world - join us inside the Wild Sisterhood Circle, where we’re going back to the way nature intended us to be: peaceful, community-minded, and thriving in all aspects of our lives, alongside our soul sisters.
All it takes is ONE connection. Go find her, ladies!