Reconnecting to Your Purpose for Success
We should have big goals, but we should also let them marinate sometimes. They become more potent that way.
Written & Published by Brianna Hosack February 23, 2025
Reconnecting to Your Purpose for Success
Your purpose, mission, passions, or even your big goals can feel so monumental and overwhelming that you go through phases where you ‘check out’ and you find yourself on autopilot.
You’re doing all the things, but you’re doing them without a WHY. You’re doing them because you SHOULD instead of because you’re inspired to.
It’s not easy to stay inspired, and actually we shouldn’t all the time. But with our conditioning of corporate mentality we believe we are supposed to constantly produce, constantly hustle and grind. It’s a subconscious pattern, even once we realize that it’s a lie. It’s a pattern we have to stay on top of and remind ourselves of, regularly.
There’s a reason that the world is shifting away from corporate and into entrepreneurship. We’re sick and tired of being told we aren’t good enough BECAUSE we’re human. Because we aren’t robots.
We need rest. We cycle with nature and when we force ourselves to stay in one part of the cycle all the time, we don’t get the rejuvenation and rest we need to maintain the powerful delivery and harvest portions of the cycle.
These cycles are layered through our lives, especially as women:
Sleep at night - winter - menstruation - elders - healing & gaining deeper understanding - rest - new moon - quiet, receiving, open to ideas
Wake up, morning - spring - follicular - baby/young child - planting & making decisions - planning - waxing moon - excited, preparing, taking action
Late morning/early afternoon - summer - Ovulatory & 1st week Luteal - teen/young adult - exploring & expansion - delivery/growth - full moon - the party, event, culmination of the efforts
Late afternoon/evening - autumn - 2nd week Luteal - mature adult - reaping the rewards & caring for the future cycles - harvest/rewards - waning moon - the clean up, satisfaction at the success of your endeavours
***If this high-level overview is not enough for you, go check out my friend/client/coach Kaitlyn Signorelli. She’s where I learned it, and she is definitely the expert on our feminine & hormonal cycles & integrating them with business!! I have added my own observations and layers to it, especially since I dove into Shamanism and coming back into ‘right relationship’, or harmony, with the land, the wheel of the year, and ourselves.***
Some of the common mistakes most of us make are:
In ‘winter’:
not resting & allowing the time for the ground to regenerate & be ready for a new planting.
Looking for NEW ideas instead of more clarity on the inspiration we’ve already received.
Think of how many times you’ve stayed up late into the night, trying to push the middle of the day energy still, and completely skipping over the harvest part, where you enjoy the fruits of your labor and begin to reflect on how the day went.

*Image by magicalstock.art
In ‘spring’:
Starting from scratch, trying new ideas or ‘crops’ instead of allowing the seeds from the last ‘year’ (cycle) to be planted, and strengthening the crop you’re already working with, taking the best each year to carry forward.
Success comes by allowing momentum to be built, not trying something new every time.
Think about how many times we rush into our day, trying to create something new to get ‘ahead’ of the curve for the day, get to the clients first, put in the most hours…

*Image by magicalstock.art
In ‘summer’:
Trying to drag out the party for too long. Crops go to seed & become less edible when left too long.
When we don’t allow things to end, or wrap up so that we can review, release what’s not working, and prioritize what is.
Think of all the workaholics, the ones who don’t make it home for dinner, the ones who miss bath and bedtime with their kids…

*Image by magicalstock.art
In ‘autumn’:
Taking so much that the land is left barren. Not allowing seeds to naturally fall and be planted. Taking too soon or too late
Draining all our resources, not setting aside enough to care for ourselves in the ‘winter’, which drives the lack of rest time again
Think of how many times you’ve skipped over your ‘harvest’ (wealth comes in all shapes and sizes, and is OFTEN information-based, rather than concrete CASH every time. But the cash injections are higher when you start paying attention to and being grateful for the information that comes from analyzing what’s already been done.), had a crash nap or too short a night of sleep, and started over again.

*Image by magicalstock.art
We should have big goals, but we should also let them marinate sometimes. They become more potent that way.
We need to take the time to plan for them, to let our plans come to fruition, to harvest the results of each step on the path, and then to rest again. Over and over and over.
It’s the whole ‘slow down to speed up’ thing. It’s not only real, it’s the FASTEST route to sustainable success.
When we push through our rest periods, or we jump ahead without planning, or we drag out the summer… our harvest is not enough to sustain us. This is why people working corporate jobs get so angry. This is why they become like zombies and burn out.
As entrepreneurs, if we model our businesses after everything we got away from by leaving corporate, well… it’s just straight up not smart. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and hoping for different results. So… just do something different.
The ‘old ways’ were looked down on as not fast enough, not productive enough… but they lasted for millennia. The ‘new ways' have barely lasted a few generations. They aren’t in alignment with humanity.
Some people may look at going back to the old ways as ‘losing ground’ or the ‘lack of progress’, but I say it’s sustainable. It’s living life in a way that we get to experience joy, laughter, love, AND success.
Cycles within cycles within cycles. And when we allow them all to exist and take their natural course, life flows, and is filled with beauty and fulfillment.
What is the POINT of success without fulfillment? What is the meaning behind wealth if you can’t enjoy it?
Remember the JOURNEY on the way to your goals matters. Remember that your ‘purpose’ is not just an outcome, but also includes HOW you get there, the ripples of the actions you take along the way, the relationships that you build in the meantime, and the impact you have, daily, in the world.
So if you feel robotic and disconnected from your purpose, or less than vital and excited about your passions… check in with your cycles.
Have you been allowing all the parts of them? Have you rested, planned, etc.?
The rest time is where you reconnect with it again and again so that you stay on track. If you haven’t done that, then check in - have you gone off track? Are you grinding yourself to the bone for something that isn’t even in line with your plans and desires?
And when you realize you’ve been off… walk away. Drop it like it’s hot. Mistakes are ok, but defending them and sticking to them just because you started is stupid. Get back on your path and in sync with your cycles right away.
I dove even deeper into our cycles; moon cycles, hormone cycles, seasons and life cycles inside of this episode of the Heartbeat’s Harbor © ️ podcast - it’s the most popular episode to date, even two seasons later. I hope you enjoy it!