HOW to Change the World
Last week, I talked about how important it was to pursue your passions, follow your dreams, and create the impact you dream of. I talked about WHEN you should do this (short answer, NOW), and why. If you haven't read that post yet, go check it out (It's called "When Are You Going to Change the World?")
Original post from the @calminspiredmama bog, written by Brianna Hosack May 31, 2022. This is a NEW CONTINUATION, of that post
How to Change the World
& Live the Life of Your Dreams - Part One

Now that you've DECIDED that you ARE going to change the world with your unique soul passion & purpose...
Now that you've CHOSEN to prioritize this, to stop putting it off...
It's time to build your FOUNDATIONS for HOW you'll accomplish this. Time to put structure in place that will hold you on the trajectory you desire while you create and grow.
What you need first …is a PLAN
This might seem a little too on the nose, but often we tend to have only a vague thought in our minds about what we are doing/going to do.
Without clarity, and steps to follow, we waste so much time in trying to figure out what to do next. Often, the uncertainty leads to inaction, and all that effort you put into getting ENERGETICALLY DECIDED on your path just flits away.
If you don’t know exactly how to get to where you’re going, that’s ok, and actually might even be better, so that you can be flexible throughout the process.
But you do need to know how you plan to head towards it.
You need to know where you’re at, what you have in place and what you don’t, what your strengths and weaknesses are, etc. This is point A.
And then you need to be crazy clear on where you want to arrive and by when. This is point B.
Then it’s a matter of creating the bridge between point A and point B, including researching what’s needed, what is desired, and what needs to be avoided. If building the bridge is difficult for you, see the bottom of this post under the 'Find Support with the structure' heading.
Next, you need priorities set
Knowing the ORDER in which to do all the different activities that make up your day, is VITAL to easy flowing, forward momentum.
Finding BALANCE is something that everyone talks about, and we all know that it is not a perfect measure, or easy to achieve thing. It is ongoing, and constantly shifting a little to stay as close to balance as possible.
And noone can give you your list. I can give examples, and I do, regularly. I will again here, but you need to adjust it to your own life & business.
The biggest problem for newer entrepreneurs probably (especially when super passionate), is being desparate for money makes them think they should do NOTHING but sell & create until they have enough money and that THEN they will have time for the rest.
But this puts a needy energy on everything you do in your business and the TRUTH is, that a slow(er), more balanced & steady burn will get you there faster. A bit of everything now, and sales start rolling in.
That's not to say there are never crunch times where we lean a little heavier on business (during launches say, or if a due date is looming), or where life takes over a bit. But these happen less when we CHOOSE balance, again and again.
I always tell my clients to start here, and always start at the top, every day. If you are never getting through the list, it's time to take a good hard look at what needs to leave your life so that you have enough time to do all the things you want to do. (My Simplify Your Schedule Kickstarter course is a great start, if you need help with this.)
Daily to-do list (MY RECOMMENDATIONS)
1. Self care
2. Spend time with partner
3. Clean something at home
4. Declutter something at home
5. Spend time being present with the family
(Add anything I am missing re family/home life that is applicable to YOU, remove anything that is not. Your SELF and your FAMILY are the REASON you want to make money - don't put them last, they are & SHOULD BE your top priority.
Reorder this list as appropriate, with the EXCEPTION THAT YOU ARE ALWAYS FIRST. You cannot pour from an empty cup.)
6. Current client work (you cannot RETAIN clients if you don't keep them happy, AND if current client work takes too long, it tells you that you do NOT have time for more clients, or a reassessment of HOW you serve clients is in order)
7. Key needle-movers for Sales (examples: posting an offer post on social media, sales calls, DM conversations, follow ups, etc)
8. Key GOAL step of the day (taken from your own PLAN - see above)
9. Back end work/Key needle-movers for Business Growth (examples: creating sales pages, building a website, automations, etc)
10. Extra social media engagement/posting/etc
WHAT you are doing in each of those categories will change from day to day but you should be hitting each of them, in approximately that order (obviously if your family sleeps in and your only work time is in the morning, rearrange a bit, etc), every damn day.
This week has been all about the GO. The masculine, doing, accomplishing, productivity, structure, practical stuff...
Next week I'll be sharing all about the FLOW parts. The intuition, the healing, the allowing & receiving, the BEING...
And in the Wild Feminine Success Blueprint (masterclass) I'll be sharing the secret sauce that ties the two together. Go grab your ticket for that today!

Find support with the structure:
If you would like more guidance on how to create an effective plan, check out my free, 3-part training on this inside my Facebook Group (- If you click and it doesn't take you there, it's because you need to join the group!), where I go more in depth on what it really takes to create your clear, easy-to-follow path to success.
Part one, Taking inventory of your starting line. What’s working & what’s not & WHY. Becoming aware of your progress so you can measure your success.
Part two, Setting achievable goals for your business
Part three, In order to say ‘I did it’, you need to know WHAT you are planning to do, and what steps are needed to get you there.
Psst... If you want support for your Business Goal Planning, my Business Planning Bootcamp is the perfect place, for a deep dive on HOW to do this. I run it twice a year, it is regularly $222, and when you purchase your ticket between launches, you get it at half price! (Grab one here for our next round - replays available - These usually run in March & September.)
Business Planning Bootcamp is for spiritual women entrepreneurs who are ready to step out of the overwhelm and into the productive structure and strategy needed to effortlessly achieve their goals, in less time.