Authentic Relationship Building for Business Growth
Authentic Relationship Building for Business Growth
by Brianna Hosack, Dec. 17, 2024
As a successful entrepreneur (or someone trying to become one), you likely went into business because you:
Never wanted to answer to someone else again, i.e. wanted to be your own boss, AND/OR
Had an incredible idea that you wanted to create & subsequently help others with by selling it to the world.
But wanting to be your own boss doesn’t mean you have to work alone! Building authentic relationships is essential for sustainable, successful businesses, and growth.
Creating or finding a like-minded community of successful business women for yourself to participate in, completely changes the game.
And that’s just it; when you had a boss, you were told WHO to spend time with, WHO to answer to, WHAT to do, WHEN to do it…
But when you’re in charge, instead of doing it all yourself, you get to decide who works with you, near you, and for you; you get to decide who works on your projects or who you want to create new projects with; you get to have flexibility that allows you to live a life you love with both your TIME and the focus of your work.
In essence… you get to have FUN!
You can make friends, build a network of women who are specifically interested in, and understand your work, and get to know people so that they can get to know you, too.
And a great bonus?
Having genuine relationships with people helps you sell more!
People who believe in your work and in your character create:
Increased customer loyalty (ie repeat business that comes easier than the initial sell)
Positive word-of-mouth marketing for your business, without you needing to ask! They believe, so they share!
Less pressure on active sales. Don’t like posting endlessly on social media? Build. Relationships. This genuine support and word-of-mouth marketing from trusted sources naturally leads to less of a need for you to be constantly selling your products & services.
A more enjoyable and fulfilling journey on the road to financial success
The women who get to know you personally and become part of your ‘village’ are OFTEN the ones who buy your offers, which naturally leads to recommendations both because they have tried and had success with your offers, and because they think highly of you personally.
When there’s true sisterhood, it stops being about competition. You help EACH OTHER grow. It’s a lot easier to recommend someone else, than to sell your own stuff, for most spiritual women entrepreneurs and heart-led business women - which is why the pressure comes off of selling.
So how do you find these women?
There are many ways to go about it, but the BEST way is simply by being yourself.
Using social media the way it’s intended, means getting social. TALKING to people. Getting to know other people. But not just any other people, YOUR people.
Start by following, reacting to, and commenting on (maybe even sharing or saving) content that you like! Do it without artifice - you don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not, and this part isn’t about producing DIRECT sales. It’s about finding your TRIBE.
Talk to people you think are interesting.
Be brave & invite them into your spaces if you think you would enjoy continuing the conversation, so you don’t lose track of one another.
Send a friend request.
Drop a DM saying “Hey it was great to connect and talk about _____(topic you discussed) in ____(place) with you. Just dropping this so I remember how we crossed paths, since the DM’s get so insane sometimes!!”
This is one of the hardest things for most people, because we’ve been conditioned to want everything NOW if not faster. But as they say… ‘Patience is a virtue.’
Authentic relationship building takes TIME. It’s the long game for you in both life, and your business.
It’s not MEANT to replace your marketing and sales efforts right now - you’ll still need to do those things! Over time, the more of these relationships that you build, the more these women will naturally be recommending you, filling your programs and offers without you having to post a single post, reach out to a single prospect, or hop on a single sales call.
Other ways you can build relationships in an authentic way:
Attend networking events with the intention of meeting & getting to know aligned people, instead of selling to them.
(Non-selling networking is kind of rare; check out my Mixers in the online village of Heartbeat’s Harbor© - where you can make FRIENDS with likeminded women without feeling like everyone just wants you to buy their stuff!)
Look for opportunities to take part in a collaboration that serves both audiences equally, where your offers and businesses don’t directly compete.
This makes it easier to feel good about recommending the other person, with no resentment that they may take potential buyers from you.
It’s not a secret that we’ve all been conditioned to compete, and that it can be hard at first to be genuinely happy for other people’s success until you decondition that, and create a new, successful mindset that supports authentic relationship building.
Serve your clients at the highest level possible. Deliver your absolute best at all times, and CARE about them as a human being.
This does NOT mean that you become friends and allow them to participate for free. It doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you (that’s not a friend anyways!).
It means you care, the end. If they care back, they will likely buy again, or recommend you to others.
Search for communities (ie Facebook Groups, memberships, masterminds) where people hang out who have similar interests to yourself. Are you spiritual? Look that up in the group search bar, and join a few - this is trial and error, of course. Building a business? Look up ‘business’ or ‘entrepreneur’ and do the same.
Find a group program to join that is based around something you want to learn, and the ideal client is someone like yourself - you’ll learn AND make friends!
Intentionally find your people. They may only become friends. They may someday become clients. You may find someone you want to hire and learn from. All are good things! Therefore, you do NOT need to PLAN for it to be any one of those outcomes. Just allow.
Building authentic relationships in ANY way is an investment in the long-term financial success of your business AND in your own feelings of being supported, happy, and not alone.
If you still feel unsure, are too shy or introverted to do it alone, or simply prefer to be guided in community building, then join us inside the Wild Sisterhood Circle, a membership where your authentic relationships are not only facilitated, but where you can also learn and practice these skills to then go out and do it on your own in the future.
You’ll have access to monthly group events such as healing circles, business networking (with my special blend of NON-ICK & a unique ability to set ANYONE and EVERYONE at ease to get to know one another), etc. AND you’ll experience sisterhood, receive business-building coaching from yours truly 😉, as well as receive inspiration and motivation to begin to build your own ‘tribe’ to lead.
Until the end of December 2024, it is on sale for the Founding Members’ price of $222/month, after which it goes up to $333/month. You keep your price for as long as you stay - it will never go up, and you are welcome to leave at any time!
Whether you join us or not though, I encourage you to start building genuine connections in your own life and business. If you only think about short term gains, you will only have short term business success.
If you want long term business growth and financial freedom, it’s time to make friends!